Bottega Veneta 08.18

  • Beauty & Fragrances
  • 3D/CGI
  • Product design
  • Strategy
  • Visual merchandising
  • Visualab


Imagining the new merchandising sku for the launch of Bottega Veneta’s new fragrance line, Illusione while following the marketing universe imposed by the created campaign.

3D: Visualab


Through a transparent blurry lid, this summer rêverie hides our interpretation of the Illusione universe, revealing the fragrance at the heart of the podium: the clarity of water, the transparency seeking lights and shadows and the duality between copper and mirror textures. Our object was conceived for merchandising use, during the press release and in points of sales.

The clarity of water, the transparency seeking lights and shadows and the duality between copper and mirror textures.